De Amicis R., Leone A., Lessa C., Foppiani A., Ravella S., Ravasenghi S., Trentani C., Ferraris C., Veggiotti P., De Giorgis V., Tagliabue A., Battezzati A., Bertoli A. Long-term effect of classic ketogenic diet on ghrelin and leptin concentration: a 12-months prospective study in a cohort of Italian children and adults with GLUT1-Deficiency Syndrome and drug resistant epilepsy. Nutrients 2019
Varesio C, Pasca L, Parravicini S, Zanaboni MP, Ballante E, Masnada S, Ferraris C, Bertoli S, Tagliabue A, Veggiotti P, De Giorgis V. Quality of life in chronic ketogenic diet treatment: the GLUT1DS population perspective. Nutrients 2019, 11(7), 1650
Ferraris C, Guglielmetti M, Pasca L, De Giorgis V, Ferraro OE, Brambilla I, Leone A, De Amicis R, Bertoli S, Veggiotti P, Tagliabue A. Impact of the Ketogenic Diet on Linear Growth in Children: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis of 34 Cases. Nutrients 2019, 11(7), 1442
Leone A, De Amicis R, Lessa C, Tagliabue A, Trentani C, Ferraris C, Battezzati A, Veggiotti P, Foppiani A, Ravella S, Bertoli S. Food and Food Products on the Italian Market for Ketogenic Dietary Treatment of Neurological Diseases (Review). Nutrients 2019: 11 (5), 1104
De Giorgis V, Masnada S, Varesio C, Chiappedi MA, Zanaboni M, Pasca L, Filippini M, Macasaet JA, Valente M, Ferraris C, Tagliabue A, Veggiotti P. Overall cognitive profiles in patients with GLUT1 Deficiency Syndrome. Brain and Behavior 2019: 9 (3)
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Tagliabue A, Ferraris C, Uggeri F, Trentani C, Bertoli S, De Giorgis V, Veggiotti P, Elli M: Short-term impact of a classical ketogenic diet on gut microbiota in GLUT1 deficiency syndrome: A 3-month prospective observational study. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 17 (2017) 33-37.
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De Giorgis V, Teutonico F, Cereda C, Balottin U, Bianchi M, Giordano L, Olivotto S, Ragona F, Tagliabue A, Zorzi G, Nardocci N, Veggiotti P. Sporadic and familial glut1ds Italian patients: A wide clinical variability. Seizure 2015 (IF 2,059) 24:28-32. doi: 0.1016/j.seizure.2014.11.009.
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