Department of Public Health, Experimental and Forensic Medicine
Director Cristina Montomoli
Administrative office: Via Forlanini, 2 - 27100 Pavia
C.F. 80007270186 - P.IVA 00462870189
PEC: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Director:  Prof.ssa Cristina Montomoli

Vice Director: Prof. Stefano Candura

Coordinating Administrative Secretary:  Sig. Pinuccio Bonizzoni

Department Council

The Department Board is made up of role professors, role researchers, and fixed-term researchers at the Department. Part-time professors are also part of it, pursuant to art. 1, para. 12, Law no. 230/2005; Holders of such a position who do not have the national eligibility under the said law are excluded from the passive electorate for access to the position of Director.

They are also part of the Council:

a) a representation of the technical and administrative staff (three years from 2018 -2021);

  • Elena Campari
  • Aurora Farina 
  • Paolo Pogliani

b) representation of students enrolled in PhDs (two years from 2018 -2020);

  • Ottavia Ferraro

c) a representation of doctors in specialized training;

  • Giulia Dallagiacoma
  • Genny Franceschetti
  • Jessica Quaiotti

d) representation of holders of research grants, scholarship holders or research contracts, However, financed, with a duration not less than one year (two years from 2018 to 2020)

  • Cinzia Ferraris

e) a representation of the students enrolled in the Department's study programs in the amount of 20% of the total of the other members of the Board (two years from 2018 to 2020)

  • Vittoria Carnevale Pellino
  • Matilde Grieco
  • Giulia Liberali
  • Edoardo Lucchini
  • Luca Martinis
  • Carlo Alberto Naldini
  • Filippo Rosario Palermo
  • Alessandro Pasquarelli

Junta (three years acc. 2018 - 2021)

  • Prof. ssa Cristina Montomoli
  • Prof. Stefano Candura
  • Prof. Marco Casasco
  • Prof. Marcello Imbriani
  • Prof. Gabriele Pelissero
  • Prof. ssa Anna Tagliabue
  • Prof.ssa Maria Gabriella Cusella De Angelis
  • Prof.ssa Simona Villani
  • Prof. Angelo Groppi
  • Dott. Mariarosa Polimeni
  • Dott. Matteo Vandoni

Referent teachers of the Erasmus program